What About Social Media?

There is no escaping the fact that social media has a real impact on many people on our planet.  It is reasonable to look at its vital role in our world.

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In our technologically advanced world, one might ask, "How might social media affect my mood?" Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become an integral part of our daily lives.

Just as our social interactions can positively or negatively impact our mood outside the virtual world, social media can similarly influence our emotions and thoughts.

Many people visually share their accomplishments, adventures, and 'picture-perfect' moments on their social media platforms. This raises potential concerns, including comparing our lives to others.

Does social media always reflect reality? While it might seem that everyone around us is leading happier, successful lives, remember that people often prefer to share their best moments and not their struggles. Hence, social media does not fully portray reality.

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Positively, social media offers a broad platform for expression, connection, and learning, with countless potential benefits. It enables us to connect with friends and family worldwide, join communities of similar interests, and stay informed about global events.

On the flip side, vulnerably, we can be negatively affected by cyberbullying, false information, and the pressure to maintain a perfect digital persona. This exposure to large amounts of information can be overwhelming and possibly lead to anxiety and depression.

Let's explore the potential threats further. Social media platforms are based on engagement metrics, resulting in a potential addiction to likes, shares, and comments. This validation cycle can be detrimental to our mental health as it fosters a dependency on approval from others.

Another potential threat is 'techno-stress,' which is the stress or illness caused by working in the world of technology for extended periods. Constant notifications, updates, and messages can be a source of anxiety and interrupt our peace, leading to stress and fatigue.


The 'fear of missing out' (FOMO) is another threat where people may feel anxious to stay connected with what others are doing on social media. This feeling might lead them to constantly check their social media platforms, causing anxiety and even depression.

Now, is there a solution? It primarily rests on the correct management of social media. An initial step could be setting boundaries on the time spent on these platforms. Allocating specific times during the day to check social media can regulate usage.

Following uplifting, positive accounts could be another step. Instead of following accounts that make us feel inadequate, looking for those who inspire, motivate, and educate us might change our experiences with these platforms.

Using social media mindfully and intentionally is another vital practice. This involves thoughtful consumption and engagement, being conscious of how much time you spend, and focusing on creating meaningful connections.

it's better to give than get

Acts 20:35 reminds us, "'It is more blessed to give than to receive." Relating this to social media suggests that we find greater joy and satisfaction in using these platforms as a blessing to others rather than merely seeking validation.

In some cases, minimizing or cutting out usage of specific platforms that cause stress or anxiety is beneficial. Philippians 4:6 advises us to “not be anxious about anything”. Possibly, giving up these platforms might be the best step towards achieving this.

Another recommendation is to seek professional help when necessary. If social media is causing significant distress, seeking counseling or therapy is not a failure. They can provide coping strategies and ways to manage these feelings.

Praying for wisdom and discernment in correctly relating to social media is beneficial. James 1:5 instructs that anyone lacking wisdom should ask God, who gives generously. This wisdom might apply to how we relate to and use social media.

1 Peter 5:7 encourages us to cast all our anxieties on him (God) because he cares for us. Using this verse as a foundation, we can begin talking and praying to God about our concerns with social media, trusting in His guidance.

Making your anxieties known to your support network, like friends, family, or church community, can also lessen the burden. In Galatians 6:2, we are called to ‘bear one another’s burdens’.

the digital world

Remember, turning the digital world off and enjoying the physical world is essential. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and peace of mind, like praying, reading the Bible, taking walks, or spending time with loved ones, can improve our mood and outlook.

In conclusion, while social media has potential benefits, we must recognize and deal with its possible threats. Mindful usage of these platforms, setting boundaries, and maintaining an open dialogue about our concerns and experiences with others can bring balance. Incorporating our faith and biblical teachings into our approach can offer guidance and comfort. After all, we should remember Proverbs 4:23, urging us to guard our hearts, for from it springs the wellspring of life.


- American Psychological Association

- Journal of Depression and Anxiety

- National Institutes of Health

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