Not knowing how to find your passion can be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to starting an online business, especially for seniors. But it doesn't have to be. In this post we'll learn how to find your passion and use it to start an online business.
It's a question I've heard many times and one I've wrestled with myself. I discovered that we often make it harder than it is. We also, don't always give ourselves enough credit for what we know. What comes easy for you, may not for others.
To begin, look for clues to your passion in your daily activities. Also take a look backward to earlier times in your life. Be intentional about analyzing how these activities affect you.
Do some resonate more deeply
than others? Why or why not? You should be taking careful notes about your
responses to each activity you ponder. You may not
remember every detail but the more
information you collect, the more valuable your conclusions will be.
Think outside the box. Remove all real and imagined limitations - financial, time, location, everything. Remember, you want to expand the possibilities rather than restrict them in any way.
You’re looking to gather as much relevant
information as possible for the present.
At this point, you may not even
realize every relevant detail. Later
on, you can begin to cull and downgrade
options, but not here, not now.
Don’t limit yourself by deciding whether or not your activity could produce an income. Right now just search for your interests.
If your
activity does not produce an income, it
could still give birth to another related idea that definitely will produce in
income. And you may be surprised to
learn later that your passion will
produce an income.
Your passion can be something
you enjoy doing or something that brings you satisfaction. You may discover an activity that, while you
do not particularly enjoy doing by itself, you receive much satisfaction from the consequences or results of the
activity. Your reward comes from the benefits
received by others as a result of your activity.
An activity that is congruent with your values or beliefs is what you want to discover. Give this some thought. What are your true and meaningful values? Might there be other people who share your values and beliefs? How could your support or help them? Which of values would you like to see encouraged in your town, state, or society?
Do you like helping people? What kind of things could you do to help
people? Teach them something, how to do
something, how to accomplish a purpose in their life? Mentor a student or several online students? Maybe an online course would benefit
Could you teach people how to do something that you do well, or would like to learn to do well? Do you like to write or build things? Are you a good organizer? How could your skill help other people better themselves? Thinking maybe an online course? Great idea!
Could you teach people how to do something that you do well, or would like to learn to do well? Do you like to write or build things? Are you a good organizer? How could your skill help other people better themselves? Another teaching opportunity!
What products or services could you offer? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? What do your friends/acquaintances comment about you?
What do your
friends and loved one say about your activities and talents? What do you now spend a lot of time doing or
thinking about doing?
Do you have any specialized
knowledge that would help someone in a given field? A teacher, engineer, farmer, designer, accountant,
physician, hairdresser, etc.?
How could
you share your skills with other interested people? Don’t worry now about how you will monetize
your knowledge or skill. You can do that
later. Right now we are just taking the
30K foot view. You can zoom in for a
closer look later. Keep your creative
juices flowing!
For even more help, go here.
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