Maybe you’ve heard it said that “the only constant in life is change”. This senior has come to value things that are more constant and predictable at this time in his life, while things that change tend to be more challenging and maybe even more upsetting than they were in his earlier years.
Younger people, on the other hand, tend to thrive on change. If they don’t get plenty of it and in a steady and constant flow, they become bored. Boredom is something that does not sit well with young people. Have you noticed that?
Many, if not most of the changes this senior has made, have been necessitated by reality, rather than because of personal preferences. In other words, I have felt forced to make these changes.
For example, as a teenager and even a young adult, I was fortunate to spend much time water skiing each summer. Along with my two brothers, we would each ski slalom (ski on one ski) together behind the tow bow using 3 different lengths of rope. One of us would use the longest rope and would ski in the middle and the two of us would ski on the outer sides, each using a different length of rope. The two outside ropes would switch to opposite sides, one going under the longest rope and the other jumping over the longest rope. The result would be a single rope that was braided. It was great fun!
That was then, and this is now. Today, little strength remains in my hand grip or legs to even do a deep water start! I’m not certain my current balance issues would even be adequate to stay skiing on the surface of the water!
Snow skiing is another activity that I can enjoy only in my mind’s rear-view mirror. No more Black Diamond ski runs. If I had the courage to even try any more skiing in my current physical state, I’d be wise to restrict my skiing to the Bunny Hill. Most people would say I’m physically active and in good shape, but my “senior good shape” is not the same as the good shape of my youth.
It’s really not so much thinking about the activities I have to give up, as it is realizing that a change of focus needs to be made. While the aging process does require a shifting of perspective, growing older does provide valuable benefits to embrace and treasure.
We do have more time to pursue activities of our own choosing that bring us enjoyment and pleasure. Retirement is clearly a very good thing. I have anticipated retirement for many hard-working years and am now grateful to be enjoying it.
Spending time with Dianne and traveling is fun and enriching. Gardening is not my most favorite activity but it does make it easier to be with my wife. We both enjoy quiet reading time and taking walks together.
Yes, getting older does require inevitable changes but many of them are really great! How do you handle change? Do you value it or dread it? Please share your insights!
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